I believe that my bridesmaids and their attire will be the one area of my wedding where my horns are sure to come out and the Bridezilla in me will make herself known. I want my bridesmaids to be comfortable in their bridesmaid’s dresses as well as look good, but my version of look good.
Since I will be having a summer wedding, I want my bridesmaids to be in light-weight, cocktail dresses that both flatter and represent the beautiful season of summer. There needs to be a certain sophisticated feel to the dresses as well that’s still fun and free flowing. I am currently stuck between three colors: lapis, amethyst, and platinum. It is important to be mindful of the various body-types and comfort levels of your bridesmaids and thus another problem is thrown into the mix.

According to the Knot Bridesmaid Handbook, “You have the right to weigh in on your dress. You also have the right to hope with all your heart that the bride chooses one that you find less than terrifying. However, in the event your dream does not come true, you have no right to complain for a single second.” I completely agree with the Knot, but in the same token they should believe in my fashion prowess and know that I would never make them look bad, especially if they have to be in my pictures for all time. Surround yourself with beautiful people and the pictures will always be wall worthy.
“The right to veto cruel and unusual underwear: a Wonderbra that gives you porn-star cleavage, Spanx that cut off your circulation,” is not a part of the deal and I cannot in good conscious agree with the Knot Bridesmaid Handbook. If I have to be caged into a corset for 8 hours then they should be able to handle cruel and yet appropriate under garments. It is only fair and since it’s my day they will heed to my reasonable demands.
The Knot Bridesmaid Handbook also notes that bridesmaids “shall not be forced by the bride to permanently alter your appearance for the sake of looking good in the wedding pictures. This includes, but is not limited to, dyeing your hair, removing tattoos, or getting a nose job.” I take this right to mean that I can force them to alter their hair with weaves and extensions. As well as I must point out that there are temporary hair dyes that indeed do not permanently alter the physical appearance and thus my sister will be going back to a brunette instead of a flaming red head.
There will be bridesmaids bootcamp. It maybe rude or even down right mean, but you will look fit and designed to please by the time you walk down the aisle. Mrs.Gina said that "It's not rude. Just make sure not to hurt anyones feelings." I'll set a challenge for my bridesmaids, if they can complete a whole kickboxing routine then I will say nothing about being fit for the wedding.
There will be bridesmaids bootcamp. It maybe rude or even down right mean, but you will look fit and designed to please by the time you walk down the aisle. Mrs.Gina said that "It's not rude. Just make sure not to hurt anyones feelings." I'll set a challenge for my bridesmaids, if they can complete a whole kickboxing routine then I will say nothing about being fit for the wedding.
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